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Showing posts from August 30, 2010

Violators of the Clean Water Act Go Unpunished

By Theodora Filis In the last five years, chemical factories, manufacturing plants and other workplaces have violated water pollution laws more than half a million times. Violations of the Clean Water Act have risen steadily across the nation. These violations range from failing to report emissions to dumping toxins at concentrations that might contribute to cancer, birth defects and other illnesses. There are many causes of tap water contamination, ranging from agricultural runoff, to improper use of household chemicals, and everything in between. Few of us realize the extent or impact of these low level synthetic chemicals in the water we use. In the early 1900s‚ before chlorine‚ pesticides‚ herbicides and the tens of thousands of other chemicals we are exposed to every day were in existence‚ the average American possessed a 1 in 50 chance of getting cancer; today 1 in 3 Americans can expect to get cancer during their lifetime‚ including 1 in every 2 males.  Our us