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Showing posts from April 15, 2011

The World's First Climate Refugees

By Theodora Filis The 2011 Academy Awards documentary film categories were filled with nominees who have focused on controversial environmental themes. Sun Come Up, by Jennifer Redfearn and Tim Metzger, was an early favorite in the documentary short category. Sun Come Up examines the fate of the Pacific Islands of Carteret whose people have become the globe’s first “climate refugees.” The Carteret Islands are located off the coast of Papua New Guinea and were home to approx. 2,500 people. Haven’t heard of them? Don’t worry, you don’t need to brush up on your geography. Most people haven’t heard of them. Barely visible on most maps, in a few short years, they will not be on any at all. Some scientists and experts believe volcanic activity and earthquakes are responsible for the sinking of the islands. Others point to the fluctuating nature of the natural life cycle of an atoll (an island that it constructed of coral and encircles a lagoon). Past removals of mangro