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Showing posts from November 30, 2011

The Great Controversy Surrounding Raw Milk

By Theodora Filis The controversy over whether people have the right to produce, sell, buy, and consume raw milk products is a huge one these days.  Government regulators in Canada and the US insist they are protecting the public against the dangerous effects of raw milk, while those who seek raw milk and other raw foods say their way of eating – is healthy. Advocates of raw milk point out that pasteurization is not a guarantee milk, and milk products, will be safe. In fact, they claim heating milk (pasteurization) makes the lactic acid and other heat-sensitive antimicrobial substances less effective at fighting bacteria. Michael Schmidt, Canadian farmer, raw milk activist, and board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) – a non-profit organization, dedicated to "restoring nutrient-dense foods to the North American diet through education, research and activism" – received a sentence of one-year probation, and a fine of $9,150, from Ontario Judge, Peter T